Zuletzt geändert von xwikiadmin am 2024/06/24 14:35
The Microsoft Stream Macro provides a way for embeding a Microsoft Stream video in a page.
Parameter | Name | Description | Required | Default |
url | URL | The URL to the Microsoft Stream video. | Yes | |
width | Width | The viewer width. Can be specified either in pixels (for example, 400px) or as a percentage of the available page width (for example, 50%). | No | 500px |
height | Height | The viewer height. Can be specified either in pixels (for example, 400px) or as a percentage of the available page height (for example, 50%). | No | 300px |
alignment | Alignment | Position of the video relatively to its container. Accepted values are left, center and right. | No | |
start | Start At | Start video at a specific time (use HH:MM:SS as time format). | No | 00:00:00 |
showinfo | Show Info | Show the video info on thumbnail. | No | true |
autoplay | Auto Play | Whether the video should start automatically or if the user must play it. | No | false |
textWrap | Text Wrap | Wrap text around the video. This applies only to left and right alignment. | No | true |
Example of usage
{{msStream url="" width="700px" alignment="left" showinfo="true" start="00:05:04"/}}