Excerpt Macro
Zuletzt geändert von xwikiadmin am 2025/01/07 11:39
The Excerpt macro is a bridge between Confluence and XWiki. It allows the user to mark part of the page's content for use by other macros, for instance {{excerpt-include}}.
Parameter | Description | Default |
atlassian-macro-output-type | The ouput type. It can be either BLOCK or INLINE. Here for historical reasons and won't be shown in the macro editor. | INLINE |
hidden | If true, the content of the macro will be hidden. | false |
name | The name of the excerpt, for named includes. | false |
allowUnprivilegedInclude | Allow this excerpt to be seen even for people who don't have view rights on this page when included | false |
Example of usage
Example of excerpt with a table in it:
The result is the following:
Title1 | Title2 | Title3 |
Text1 | Text2 | Text3 |
Example of named hidden excerpt:
{{excerpt hidden="true" name="myexcerpt"}}
My hidden content.
My hidden content.
The result is the following:
(yes, nothing, this is intended!)
Let's include this hidden excerpt:
{{excerpt-include 0="Excerpt" name="myexcerpt"/}}
Excerpt Macro
My hidden content.
Without the panel:
{{excerpt-include 0="Excerpt" name="myexcerpt" nopanel="true"/}}
My hidden content.