Excerpt Macro

Zuletzt geändert von xwikiadmin am 2025/01/07 11:39


The Excerpt macro is a bridge between Confluence and XWiki. It allows the user to mark part of the page's content for use by other macros, for instance {{excerpt-include}}.


atlassian-macro-output-typeThe ouput type. It can be either BLOCK or INLINE. Here for historical reasons and won't be shown in the macro editor.INLINE
hiddenIf true, the content of the macro will be hidden.false
nameThe name of the excerpt, for named includes.false
allowUnprivilegedIncludeAllow this excerpt to be seen even for people who don't have view rights on this page when includedfalse

Example of usage

Example of excerpt with a table in it:


The result is the following:


Example of named hidden excerpt:

{{excerpt hidden="true" name="myexcerpt"}}
My hidden content.

The result is the following:

(yes, nothing, this is intended!)

Let's include this hidden excerpt:

{{excerpt-include 0="Excerpt" name="myexcerpt"/}}


Excerpt Macro

My hidden content.

Without the panel:

{{excerpt-include 0="Excerpt" name="myexcerpt" nopanel="true"/}}


My hidden content.