Zuletzt geändert von xwikiadmin am 2024/06/24 14:35

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1 = Description =
3 This macro is a bridge for the Confluence Balsamiq Wireframe macro. It displays the image preview of the mockup, as it was migrated from Confluence.
4 The wireframe preview is an attachment added to the parent page. For example, for a wireframe identified with //MyWireframeID//, there will be an attachment on the parent page of this form: //<balsamiq_MyWireframeID[_branchID].png//. This means that there will be a prefix called **balsamiq** followed by an underscore (**_**), then the resource identifier (**MyWireframeID** in this case), then an arbitrary suffix (if it is set, by default it will be called **Master**). So, here are some filenames matching our example :
5 * //balsamiq_MyWireframeID_Master.png//
6 * //balsamiq_MyWireframeID.png//
8 = Parameters =
10 |=Parameter|=Description|=Accepted values|=Default value|=Mandatory
11 |**initialResourceID**|The ressource ID that is part of the mockup filename attached to the current page (in the example above, it would be //MyWireframeID//).|||Yes
12 |**initialBranchID**|The branch on which the file was stored. If it exists, by default, Confluence sets it to //Master//.|||
13 |**Alignment**|The alignment of the wireframe preview.|//Left//, //Center// and //Right//|//Left//||
15 = Example of usage =
17 {{code}}
18 {{confluence_wireframe initialResourceID="2278E287-509B-183B-1098-2EC38DDDB7D8" initialBranchID="Master" Alignment="Center"/}}
19 {{/code}}
21 = Result =
23 {{confluence_wireframe initialResourceID="2278E287-509B-183B-1098-2EC38DDDB7D8" initialBranchID="Master" Alignment="Center"/}}