Änderungen von Dokument Anhänge
Zuletzt geändert von xwikiadmin am 2024/06/24 14:16
Von Version 3.1
bearbeitet von xwikiadmin
am 2022/08/11 16:39
am 2022/08/11 16:39
Install extension [org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-attachment-ui/14.6]
Auf Version 5.1
bearbeitet von xwikiadmin
am 2023/10/26 09:24
am 2023/10/26 09:24
Migrated property [type] from class [XWiki.WikiMacroParameterClass]
Seiteneigenschaften (1 geändert, 0 hinzugefügt, 0 gelöscht)
Objekte (2 geändert, 0 hinzugefügt, 0 gelöscht)
- Seiteneigenschaften
- Inhalt
... ... @@ -45,11 +45,14 @@ 45 45 #end 46 46 (% class="gallery" %)((( 47 47 ## Only display the upload form if they have edit permission on targetAttachDocument 48 - #if ($xwiki.hasAccessLevel('edit',$xcontext.user,${targetAttachDocument.fullName})) 49 - #attachmentPicker_displayUploadForm($targetDocument, $targetAttachDocument, $options) 50 - #end 48 + #attachmentPicker_displayUploadForm($targetDocument, $targetAttachDocument, $options) 51 51 #attachmentPicker_displayAttachmentGalleryEmptyValue($targetDocument, $targetAttachDocument, $options, $currentValue) 52 - #set ($sortedAttachments = $collectiontool.sort($targetAttachDocument.getAttachmentList(), "${options.sortAttachmentsBy}") ) 50 + #if ("$!services.temporaryAttachments" != '') 51 + #set ($unsortedAttachments = $services.temporaryAttachments.listAllAttachments($targetAttachDocument)) 52 + #set ($sortedAttachments = $collectiontool.sort($unsortedAttachments, "${options.sortAttachmentsBy}")) 53 + #else 54 + #set ($sortedAttachments = $collectiontool.sort($targetAttachDocument.getAttachmentList(), "${options.sortAttachmentsBy}") ) 55 + #end 53 53 #foreach ($attachment in $sortedAttachments) 54 54 #set ($extension = $attachment.getFilename()) 55 55 #set ($extension = $extension.substring($mathtool.add($extension.lastIndexOf('.'), 1)).toLowerCase()) ... ... @@ -69,12 +69,24 @@ 69 69 * @param $currentValue the currently selected file, used for determining if the box should be highlighted as the current value 70 70 *# 71 71 #macro (attachmentPicker_displayAttachmentBox $attachment $targetDocument $targetAttachDocument, $options $currentValue) 72 - #if ($options.displayImage && $attachment.isImage()) 73 - #set ($cssClass = 'gallery_image') 75 + #set ($hasTemporaryAttachment = "$!services.temporaryAttachments" != '') 76 + #set ($canEdit = $xwiki.hasAccessLevel('edit', $xcontext.user, ${targetAttachDocument.fullName})) 77 + #set ($isTemporaryAttachment = false) 78 + #if(!$hasTemporaryAttachment) 79 + #set ($canDeleteAttachment = $canEdit) 74 74 #else 75 - #set ($cssClass = '') 81 + #set ($isTemporaryAttachment = $services.temporaryAttachments.temporaryAttachmentExists($attachment)) 82 + ## TODO: Update once it is made possible to delete temporary attachments (see XWIKI-20225). 83 + #set ($canDeleteAttachment = !$isTemporaryAttachment && $canEdit) 76 76 #end 77 - #attachmentPicker_displayStartFrame({'value' : $attachment.filename, 'text' : $attachment.filename, 'cssClass' : "$!{cssClass}"} $currentValue) 85 + #set ($cssClasses = []) 86 + #if ($options.displayImage && $attachment.isImage()) 87 + #set ($discard = $cssClasses.add('gallery_image')) 88 + #end 89 + #if ($isTemporaryAttachment) 90 + #set ($discard = $cssClasses.add('temporary_attachment')) 91 + #end 92 + #attachmentPicker_displayStartFrame({'value' : $attachment.filename, 'text' : $attachment.filename, 'cssClass' : "${stringtool.join($cssClasses, ' ')}"} $currentValue) 78 78 #attachmentPicker_displayAttachmentDetails($attachment $options) 79 79 #set ($returnURL = $escapetool.url($doc.getURL('view', $request.queryString))) 80 80 #set ($deleteURL = $targetAttachDocument.getAttachmentURL($attachment.filename, 'delattachment', "xredirect=${returnURL}&form_token=$!{services.csrf.getToken()}") ) ... ... @@ -83,7 +83,20 @@ 83 83 "${options.get('classname')}_${options.get('object')}_${options.get('property')}": ${attachment.filename}, 84 84 'form_token': $!{services.csrf.getToken()} 85 85 }))) 86 - #attachmentPicker_displayEndFrame ([{'name' : 'select', 'url' : $selectURL}, {'name' : 'delete', 'url' : $deleteURL}]) 101 + ## Delete action is only proposed for users with the edit right on the document. 102 + ## If the temporary attachment is available, the delete action is only allowed for non-temporary attachments. 103 + #set ($attachmentActions = [{'name' : 'select', 'url' : $selectURL}]) 104 + #if($canDeleteAttachment) 105 + #set ($discard = $attachmentActions.add({'name' : 'delete', 'url' : $deleteURL})) 106 + #end 107 + #define($additionalContent) 108 + #if ($isTemporaryAttachment) 109 + #set ($titleMessage = $services.localization.render('attachment.attachmentSelector.attachmentBox.temporaryAttachmentTitle')) 110 + #set ($titleMessage = $services.rendering.escape($titleMessage, 'xwiki/2.1')) 111 + (% title="$titleMessage" %)$services.icon.render('clock')(%%) 112 + #end 113 + #end 114 + #attachmentPicker_displayEndFrame ($attachmentActions $additionalContent) 87 87 #end 88 88 89 89 #** ... ... @@ -139,8 +139,9 @@ 139 139 * <dt>rel</dt> 140 140 * <dd>an optional parameter to be used in the "rel" HTML attribute; for example "__blank" can be used to open the link in a new tab/window</dd> 141 141 * </dl> 170 + * @param $additionalContent optional additional content that does not follow the structure of the actions 142 142 *# 143 -#macro (attachmentPicker_displayEndFrame $actions) 172 +#macro (attachmentPicker_displayEndFrame $actions $additionalContent) 144 144 )))## attachmentframe 145 145 (% class="gallery_actions" %)((( 146 146 #foreach ($action in $actions) ... ... @@ -147,6 +147,7 @@ 147 147 #set( $actionname = $services.localization.render("${translationPrefix}.actions.${action.name}") ) 148 148 [[${actionname}>>path:${action.url}||class="tool ${action.name}" title="${actionname}" #if($action.rel) rel="${action.rel}"#end]]## 149 149 #end 179 + $!additionalContent 150 150 )))## actions 151 151 )))## attachmentbox 152 152 #end ... ... @@ -303,8 +303,10 @@ 303 303 $!targetDocument.use($targetDocument.getObject($options.classname, $options.object))## 304 304 #attachmentPicker_displayAttachmentGallery($targetDocument, $targetAttachDocument, $options) 305 305 336 + #set ($cancelLinkName = $services.rendering.escape($services.rendering.escape($services.localization.render("${translationPrefix}.cancel"), 'xwiki/2.1'), 'xwiki/2.1')) 337 + #set ($cancelLinkTarget = $services.rendering.escape($services.model.serialize($targetDocument), 'xwiki/2.1')) 306 306 (% class="gallery_buttons buttons" %)((( 307 - (% class="buttonwrapper secondary" %)[[$ services.localization.render("${translationPrefix}.cancel")>>${targetDocument}||class="button secondary" id="attachment-picker-close"]]339 + (% class="buttonwrapper secondary" %)[[$cancelLinkName>>$cancelLinkTarget||class="button secondary" id="attachment-picker-close"]] 308 308 ))) 309 309 #end 310 310 {{/velocity}}
- XWiki.JavaScriptExtension[0]
- Code
... ... @@ -1,4 +1,66 @@ 1 1 var XWiki = (function(XWiki) { 2 + function uploadTemporaryAttachment() { 3 + // Require jquery locally until we are able to fully migrate this code away from prototype. 4 + const form = this.property.up('form'); 5 + require(['jquery'], function ($) { 6 + const data = new FormData(); 7 + const uploadedFile = $('#attachfile')[0].files[0]; 8 + const filenameCheckbox = $("#uploadAttachment input[name='filename']"); 9 + 10 + // TODO: Fix replace currently selected checkbox (see XWIKI-20181). 11 + data.append('upload', uploadedFile); 12 + const notification = new XWiki.widgets.Notification( 13 + "$services.localization.render('xe.attachmentSelector.upload.inProgress')", 'inprogress'); 14 + const params = { 15 + 'form_token': $(form).find('[name="form_token"]').val(), 16 + 'sheet': 'CKEditor.FileUploader', 17 + 'outputSyntax': 'plain' 18 + }; 19 + 20 + // Update the name of the file with the name of the currently selected attachment if required. 21 + if (filenameCheckbox.prop('checked')) { 22 + params['filename'] = filenameCheckbox.val() 23 + } 24 + 25 + $.ajax({ 26 + 'url': XWiki.currentDocument.getURL('get', new URLSearchParams(params).toString()), 27 + method: 'POST', 28 + data: data, 29 + processData: false, 30 + contentType: false, // Sets the 'multipart/form-data' automatically 31 + headers: { 32 + 'X-XWiki-Temporary-Attachment-Support': true 33 + } 34 + }).done(function (response) { 35 + #set ($successMessage = $escapetool.javascript($services.localization.render('attachment.attachmentSelector.temporaryUpload.success'))) 36 + notification.replace(new XWiki.widgets.Notification("$successMessage", 'done')); 37 + // Add a field with the name of the uploaded file so that it is moved from the temporary 38 + // attachments to the persisded ones on save. 39 + $(form).append($('<input/>') 40 + .prop('type', 'hidden') 41 + .prop('name', 'uploadedFiles') 42 + .prop('value', response.fileName)) 43 + $(form).find('input[type="hidden"].property-reference').prop('value', response.fileName); 44 + this.updateAttachment(response.fileName, response.url); 45 + this.dialog.closeDialog(); 46 + }.bind(this)).fail(function () { 47 + #set ($errorMessage = $escapetool.javascript($services.localization.render('attachment.attachmentSelector.temporaryUpload.failure')))notification.replace(new XWiki.widgets.Notification("$errorMessage", 'error')); 48 + }); 49 + }.bind(this)); 50 + } 51 + 52 + function directUploadAttachment(uploadForm) { 53 + // FIXME This fails in HTML5, will deal with it later: 54 + // this.property.down('input').value = uploadForm.down('input[type="file"]').value; 55 + // uploadForm.xredirect.value = window.location.pathname; 56 + document.observe('xwiki:document:saved', function () { 57 + new XWiki.widgets.Notification("$services.localization.render('xe.attachmentSelector.upload.inProgress')", 58 + 'inprogress'); 59 + uploadForm.submit(); 60 + }) 61 + document.fire('xwiki:actions:save', {'continue': true, form: this.property.up('form')}); 62 + } 63 + 2 2 /** Handles the gallery buttons directly in the current page without reloading the window. */ 3 3 XWiki.AttachmentPicker = Class.create({ 4 4 /** ... ... @@ -60,21 +60,23 @@ 60 60 new XWiki.widgets.Notification("$services.localization.render('xe.attachmentSelector.upload.error.badExtension')", 'error'); 61 61 hasErrors = true; 62 62 } 125 + const beforeUploadEvent = Event.fire(document, 'xwiki:actions:beforeUpload', { 126 + file: fileInput 127 + }); 128 + 129 + if (beforeUploadEvent.defaultPrevented) { 130 + hasErrors = true; 131 + } 63 63 }.bind(this)); 64 - // No form submission by AJAX right now, because file uploads can't be done this way without HTML5, this is future work 65 - // Save the document before submitting, since the current form data will be lost otherwise 66 66 if (!hasErrors) { 67 67 if (this.directSave) { 68 68 uploadForm.submit(); 69 69 } else { 70 - // FIXME This fails in HTML5, will deal with it later: 71 - // this.property.down('input').value = uploadForm.down('input[type="file"]').value; 72 - // uploadForm.xredirect.value = window.location.pathname; 73 - document.observe('xwiki:document:saved', function() { 74 - new XWiki.widgets.Notification("$services.localization.render('xe.attachmentSelector.upload.inProgress')", 'inprogress'); 75 - uploadForm.submit(); 76 - }) 77 - document.fire('xwiki:actions:save', {'continue': true, form: this.property.up('form')}); 137 + if ("$!services.temporaryAttachments" != '') { 138 + uploadTemporaryAttachment.call(this); 139 + } else { 140 + directUploadAttachment.call(this, uploadForm); 141 + } 78 78 } 79 79 } 80 80 }.bindAsEventListener(this));
- XWiki.WikiMacroClass[0]
- Makro-Code
... ... @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ 33 33 #set ($property = "$!{xcontext.macro.params.property}") 34 34 #set ($object = $numbertool.toNumber("$!{xcontext.macro.params.object}").intValue()) 35 35 #if ("$!{object}" != $!{xcontext.macro.params.object}) 36 - #set ($object = ${doc.getObject($classname).number}) 36 + #set ($object = ${targetdoc.getObject($classname).number}) 37 37 #if ("$!{object}" == '') 38 38 #set ($object = 0) 39 39 #end ... ... @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ 94 94 #set ($savemode = 'form') 95 95 #end 96 96 97 -#set ($propValue = "$!{doc.getObject($classname, $object).getProperty($property).value}") 97 +#set ($propValue = "$!{targetdoc.getObject($classname, $object).getProperty($property).value}") 98 98 ## 99 99 100 100 #macro (attachmentPicker_displayAttachment $name $displayImage $withLink $forceElement) ... ... @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ 123 123 #if ($displayImage) 124 124 (% class="$!{cssClass}#if (!$attachment) hidden#end" %)(((#if ("$!{attachmentResource}" != '' || $forceElement)#if($withLink)[[#end[[image:$services.rendering.escape(${attachmentResource}, 'xwiki/2.1')$!{imageParams}]]#if($withLink)>>attach:$services.rendering.escape(${attachmentResource},'xwiki/2.1')||rel=lightbox]]#{end}#end)))## 125 125 #else 126 - (% class="$!{cssClass}" %)#if ("$!{attachmentResource}" != '' || $forceElement)#if ($withLink)[[attach:${attachmentResource}||rel=__blank]]#{else}(% class="displayed" %)#if($targetPermView)$services.rendering.escape($!{attachmentName}, 'xwiki/2.1')#{else}Access Denied#{end}(% %)#{end}#end(%%)## 126 + (% class="$!{cssClass}" %)#if ("$!{attachmentResource}" != '' || $forceElement)#if ($withLink)[[attach:${attachmentResource}||rel=__blank]]#{else}(% class="displayed" %)#if($targetPermView)$!{services.rendering.escape($!{attachmentName}, 'xwiki/2.1')}#{else}Access Denied#{end}(% %)#{end}#end(%%)## 127 127 #end 128 128 #end 129 129 ... ... @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ 131 131 ## 1. Edit the current page 132 132 ## 2. View the target attachment page. (can be the same page) 133 133 #macro (attachmentPicker_displayButton) 134 - #if ($ hasEdit&& $targetPermView)134 + #if ($targetPermView) 135 135 #set ($queryString = { 136 136 'docname': $doc.fullName, 137 137 'classname': $classname, ... ... @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ 159 159 #elseif ($xcontext.action == 'inline' || $xcontext.action == 'edit') 160 160 (% class="attachment-picker" %)(((## 161 161 #attachmentPicker_displayAttachment($propValue $displayImage false true) #attachmentPicker_displayButton()## 162 - {{html}}<input type="hidden" name="${classname}_${object}_${property}" value="${propValue}"/>{{/html}}## 162 + {{html}}<input type="hidden" name="$escapetool.xml("${classname}_${object}_${property}")" value="$escapetool.xml("${propValue}")" class="property-reference"/>{{/html}}## 163 163 ))) 164 164 #else 165 165 #attachmentPicker_displayAttachment($propValue $displayImage $link false)