Wiki-Quellcode von RecentlyUpdated

Version 3.1 von xwikiadmin am 2023/10/26 09:38

Zeige letzte Bearbeiter
1 The recently-updated macro is a bridge between Confluence and XWiki. It displays the most recent contributions to the wiki, relative to documents, attachments and comments.
3 There are only a few things that are not supported compared to the Confluence macro, due to differences between the two:
4 * some special values of the {{{ spaces }}} parameters are not supported: {{{ @personal }}}, {{{ @favorite }}} / {{{ @favourite }}}, and personal spaces starting with a "~~"
6 = Parameters =
8 |=Parameter|=Description|=Required|=Default
9 |**types**|Comma-separated list of types ({{{ page }}}, {{{ blogpost }}}, {{{ comment }}} or {{{ attachment }}}), possibly prefixed with "-".|No|//all types//
10 |**spaces**|Comma-separated list of spaces, possibly prefixed with "+" or "-", or special value like {{{ @self }}}, {{{ @global }}} or {{{ @all }}}.|No|{{{ @self }}}
11 |**author**|Comma-separated list of authors.|No|
12 |**labels**|Comma-separated list of tags, possibly prefixed with "+" or "-".|No|
13 |**max**|Maximum number of results.|No| {{{ 15 }}}
14 |**theme**|Appearance of the macro ({{{ concise }}}, {{{ social }}}, {{{ sidebar }}}).|No| {{{ concise }}}
15 |**width**|Width of the macro in percentage.|No| {{{ 100% }}}
16 |**hideHeading**|Whether to hide the text "Recently Updated" as title|No| {{{ false }}}
17 |**showProfilePic**|Whether to show the profile picture of users|No| {{{ false }}}
20 = Example Usage =
22 {{code}}
23 {{recently-updated
24 spaces="@global"
25 theme="concise"
26 max="5"
27 /}}
28 {{/code}}
30 {{recently-updated
31 spaces="@global"
32 theme="concise"
33 max="5"
34 /}}
36 == TODO ==
37 * add button to fetch more results
38 * test more thoroughly on subwikis